Physics Tutoring

We're committed to providing the best one-on-one physics tutoring in the Bay Area. Our physics tutors are passionate, knowledgeable, and experienced.

Our physics tutoring program


Tutoring Sessions

Our physics tutors typically meet with students once a week for 90 minutes. Students looking for help with a specific topic or seeking to prepare for an upcoming test often meet with our physics tutors for one or more special sessions.

Physics Content

We are familiar with all aspects of physics taught at the high school level and tailor the content of each session to meet your needs. All our physics tutors receive training to prepare students for the AP Physics tests.

AP Physics Prep

 AP Physics gives students the opportunity to study the subject at the college level and, with a high score on the AP Physics exam, to earn college credit. We can help you meet the challenges of this demanding course and excel on the AP exam.


Take a free AP Physics 1 practice test!




We're committed to the growth of our physics tutoring team.

Our Bay Area physics tutoring team makes professional development a priority. Each tutor meets monthly with subject specific departments to share teaching practices, discuss upcoming content challenge in the curriculum at local schools, and share institutional knowledge.

Talk to a director to learn how our commitment to growth benefits students

Parents love AJ Tutoring!

"Professional, reliable, capable tutors. Excellent results."

Professional Tutors

Teaching is an art and a science. Our team members are professionals who work hard to constantly master their craft. This is not limited to knowing the content and developing teaching skills, but also includes communicating with parents and managing the one-on-one tutoring process. Our tutors approach their craft as a career–we are committed to provide great service and dedicated to our students.

Meet a few of our physics tutors in the Bay Area:

Ben Coupland

Lafayette Tutoring Center Director & Physics Tutor

Andrew Schor

Physics Tutor


Allison Carlisle

Physics Tutoring Department Head


Let's discuss how our tutors can help you master physics.

Our physics tutoring, test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.

Tutor Headshot
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