GMAT test prep

We tailor our GMAT prep programs and tutoring schedule to your unique needs.


Our GMAT prep approach

Preparation around your schedule

We founded AJ Tutoring with an understanding of the time constraints on modern students, leading us to develop a highly efficient and customized test prep approach to improving a student’s GMAT score. Our Bay Area GMAT tutors work 7 days a week and are available from 8am to 10:30pm.

Customized GMAT Tutoring

Our customized approach allows each student to build confidence in his or her unique trouble spots, increasing the chances of significant improvement in a short period of time. While most GMAT prep programs require a student to work with part-time tutors for 20-40 hours, AJ Tutoring matches a student with one professional GMAT tutor for 12-15 hours of customized preparation.

What our GMAT program covers

Our 1-on-1 tutoring program covers core GMAT test content (the basic concepts of arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data analysis for math problem solving questions; grammar rules for sentence corrections; and vocabulary for sentence completions); test-taking techniques; guessing strategy and pacing; and strategies for navigating the computer interface.

Discuss your GMAT prep today!


GMAT tutoring Student


Learn more about the GMAT test

The most widely accepted test for graduate management programs, the GMAT is owned, published, and developed by the Graduate Management Admission Council, a non-profit organization. The GMAC recently revised the GMAT test, streamlining the analytical writing section and adding an Integrated Reasoning section. The computer-based GMAT is offered on a continuous basis at testing centers throughout the United States.



Sign Up for GMAT Prep!

AJ Tutoring offers a higher level of test prep service.

Our GMAT tutors are supported by AJ Tutoring’s resources, but you’re still working with an individual extensively trained in the nuances of the GMAT test and dedicated to your success. Call us to learn more about how we combine the advantage of working with a private GMAT tutor with the convenience of working with an established company.

Learn about our GMAT tutoring process.


Productive Tutoring Sessions

GMAT tutors meet with students for eight, nine, or ten weekly sessions, each lasting 90 minutes. As homework, we assign students a mix of full-length GMAT practice tests and 90-minute assignments.


Great Strategies and Content

We cover test-taking skills and GMAT content, including question interpretation, strategies for navigating the computer interface, time management, reading comprehension, data sufficiency techniques, and essay writing.


GMAT test summary

4 sections, 3 hours 30 minutes
Total GMAT Score: 200-800, scaled from Quantitative and Verbal scores only. Analytical Writing and Integrated Reasoning are scored and reported separately from the rest of the exam; they have no effect on the total score.
Analytical Writing (1-6 score; intervals of .5) Integrated Reasoning (1-8 score; intervals of 1) Quantitative (0-60 score; intervals of 1) Verbal (0-60 score; intervals of 1)
30 minutes 30 minutes 62 minutes  65 minutes
1 question. Analysis of an argument essay 12 questions. Multi-source reasoning, graphics interpretation, two-part analysis, table analysis 31 questions. Problem solving, data sufficiency 36 questions. Reading comprehension, sentence completions, critical reasoning

Let's discuss your GMAT tutoring needs.

We'll help you navigate the business school testing process and share our experience, so you can ace the GMAT exam.