Learn more about the SAT and ACT exams.

Take a free practice SAT or ACT test, talk to our test prep experts, and learn from our 20 years of experience helping students prepare for college entrance exams to decide which test is best for you.

Which test is right for you?

When preparing for the SAT and ACT exams, some approaches make more sense than others. Our goal is to find the right fit for you.



The content covered on the SAT and ACT is almost identical. The SAT is more logic and reasoning-based, whereas the ACT is more content-based. The SAT is more math-based and the ACT is more reading comprehension-based.


When SAT and ACT scores are equated, 80% of students score exactly the same on both exams. However, some students score dramatically better on one test.

Finding Your Test

Students often prefer the ACT to SAT because it feels easier – students tend to answer a higher percentage of ACT questions correctly. However, that doesn’t mean their scores on the ACT will be better.

Let us take the guesswork out of finding the right testing plan for you.


Here are some general guidelines.

The ACT may be a better fit if you:

  • hate standardized exams or lack testing confidence
  • are stronger in reading comprehension than in math
  • can read quickly

The SAT may be a better fit if you:

  • have difficulty finishing exams in the allotted time
  • are stronger in math than in reading comprehension
  • enjoy solving puzzles


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Take a free SAT/ACT hybrid practice exam.

It is difficult to predict whether you will perform better on the SAT or ACT.

The most effective way to determine the best fit for you is to take a practice hybrid SAT/ACT hybrid test at AJ Tutoring and compare your scores.

Register for a diagnostic SAT/ACT Hybrid test

Work with one of our directors to develop a customized testing plan.

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.