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Kavya Ramanan

Test Prep & Academic Tutor

Subjects Tutored

ACT, PSAT, SAT, Academic Economics, Academic European History, Academic US History, Academic World History, AP European History, AP Macroeconomics, AP Microeconomics, AP U.S. Government & Politics, AP US History, AP World History.

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Kavya Ramanan

Test Prep & Academic Tutor


I spent most of my childhood near Boulder, Colorado. When I was fourteen, my family and I moved to Bangalore, India, and a few days later I started high school. The academic culture in my new school was different from what I had experienced in the US. I now had to take charge of my own preparation for the end-of-year exams, while previously my teachers had prepared me for anything a test could possibly throw at me. So began a series of fact-checking missions and frantic study sessions. Once, I camped at a classmate’s house for days so we could receive math tutoring from her neighbors, who were younger than us but grasped what we could not. Another classmate and I spent countless evenings and weekends at a foreign language institute learning Spanish, which was not offered by our school. It was there that I had my first teaching experience: I taught beginning Spanish to young professionals, both one-on-one and in small classes.

I returned to the US to attend Brown University, where I explored many disciplines before eventually deciding to study the history of colonialism. Outside the classroom, I focused on my passion for psychology and mental health advocacy. Academic stress – whether in college or high school – can be a pressure cooker that exacerbates any mental health issues a student may have to deal with. I firmly believe that students should be given all possible support when navigating what can feel like a terrifying situation. As my years in college passed, I noticed that every new incoming class had to jump through even more hoops to earn a place at college. High schoolers today face tremendous pressure – from their families, from society, and even from themselves – to excel at all costs. In college, I discovered that asking for help when you need it can sometimes be the only way to survive without burning out, so I am thrilled to be able to offer help to students who are brave enough to ask for it.

The city I lived in during high school didn’t have anything like the test prep industry in the Bay Area. My preparation for the SAT was aided only by a book of practice questions, but now I wish I’d known some of the brilliant strategies AJ has developed. What I enjoy most about tutoring is discovering the nuances that define each individual student. Everyone perceives new information in a slightly different way; I endeavor to explain material and strategies in a way that speaks directly to the student I’m working with. I want all my students to know that I admire them for seeking a tutor; there is no judgement involved in the process. My students are equal partners in this effort to make their education more rewarding.

Happy parents and students

"AJ Tutoring has helped me a lot. It has taught me new techniques and better prepared me for the SAT."
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