August SAT


Another month and another SAT date is around the corner! Here are some foolproof ways to ensure your student is prepared!

  • Review all of your preparation materials, but don’t study too hard!
  • Get a good night’s sleep, it’s no use cramming at this point so aim for your full 8 hours!
  • Have a good breakfast the morning of the test.
  • Wear comfortable clothes and layers, you never know how hot or cold a testing center will be.
  • Pack water and snacks
  • Use your coping strategies to mitigate any test day jitters

Remember that you have studied and have done all you can do to prepare, so relax and do your best! If you have been working with an AJ tutor to prepare, call us and let us know when you get your scores back! If you didn’t work with a tutor and would like to before your next test date, reach out to a Director today and we will connect you with a great 1:1 tutor!

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