We know all too well how difficult distance learning is on our students, and for our K-8 students in particular!

If there’s anything we learned from the spring transition to shelter in place, it’s that our students need more support than schools can provide in a large, virtual classroom setting. It’s important that they continue to work through coursework outside of the classroom, but even the most motivated students find it difficult to stay on top of independent learning.

In an effort to mitigate some of the upcoming challenges, we’re launching a new program to support small cohorts of students either virtually or in-home. 

How can K-8 learning pods help your student?

Supplement and Provide Classroom-Style Education in the Safety of Your Own Home

Students are used to the schedule, structure, and consistency that school provides. A live teacher, other students, and instant feedback generate the right mindset and learning environment for young students. We know how important that learning environment is and are here to help create it!

Help Students Stay on Track with Independent Learning

Many schools are working to keep students on track with the content, concepts, and curriculum as planned. With less live and real-time instruction, students are in the position of having to work through ideas and problems on their own. Give your students some support as they adjust to independent learning.

Provide Social Interaction with Classmates

As we all know, students miss their friends and classmates over summer break, and, for many, quarantine has added to a sense of isolation. By creating a small group in a safe environment, students can get some much-needed social interaction this semester.

What are the options?

Option A: K-8 Homework Clubs

This option is best-suited for students who are doing distance learning through their schools and are looking for structure and  support. Our tutors can help with all classes or focus on just one or two. We can even set up pods for students of different ages, although the instruction will need to be more generalized to be helpful at multiple grade levels.

Option B: K-8 Homeschool Pods

This option makes the most sense for students who are being homeschooled. Parents should plan on using a homeschool system, which will provide a curriculum for the instructor to help support students’ learning. Students will need to be within a couple of grade levels of one another and be all elementary or all middle school students.


What are the costs and schedule like? 

  • For in-person groups of 3-6 students, the cost is $40/hour per student.
  • For in-person groups of 2 students, the cost is $60/hour per student.
  • For virtual groups of 3-8 students, the cost is $30/hour per student.
  • For virtual groups of 2 students, the cost is $45/hour per student.
  • Groups of 2 or 3 students must sign up for 6 hours minimum/week (or 36 hours minimum per term — 30 hours for Term 1, which has a free week included at the beginning). Groups of 4 or more may do any number of hours per week.
  • Payment is due in full up front for each 6-week term.
  • In-home pods must follow guidelines as set by the county (e.g. face masks, social distancing, outdoor classroom space preferred, etc).

Term 1 (6 weeks): Aug. 16th – Sept. 26**
Term 2 (6 weeks): Sept. 27th – Nov. 7th
Term 3 (6 weeks): Nov. 8th – Dec. 19th
**week of Aug. 16th – 22nd is free of charge

If you’d like to learn more, discuss your student’s situation, and set up a learning pod, please give us a call today! If a learning pod isn’t the right fit for your child, another great option is 1-on-1 academic tutoring, which allows for a customized experience that caters to the unique needs and learning styles of each individual.

Welcome back to school!


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