Annual AMC 10 and AMC 12 Competitions!


We are very excited to announce that AJ Tutoring will host the annual AMC 10 and AMC 12 competitions in November 2021 at our Menlo Park office (1122 Crane St).

We are conducting two competition sessions for the AMC 10:

AMC 10 Competition A: Wed, November 10: 5-6:15pm

AMC 10 Competition B: Tues, November 16: 5-6:15pm

We are conducting two competition sessions for the AMC 12:

AMC 12 Competition A: Wed, November 10: 5-6:15pm

AMC 12 Competition B: Tues, November 16: 5-6:15pm

If these tests cannot be safely conducted in person, registered students can easily switch to a virtual administration and take their tests from home.




Q: What is the AMC 10 or AMC 12 competition?

The AMC 10 and AMC 12 are both 25-question, 75-minute, multiple-choice examinations in high school mathematics designed to promote the development and enhancement of problem-solving skills.

Q: What would my student stand to gain by participating in AMC?

In addition to the adrenaline-inducing thrill of participating in competition math, AMC 10/12 is the first in a series of competitions that eventually lead all the way to the International Mathematical Olympiad (see Invitational Competitions).

Q: What grade levels can participate in AMC 10 or AMC 12?

The AMC 10 is for students in 10th grade and below, and covers the high school curriculum up to 10th grade. Students in grade 10 or below and under 17.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 10. The AMC 12 covers the entire high school curriculum including trigonometry, advanced algebra, and advanced geometry, but excluding calculus. Students in grade 12 or below and under 19.5 years of age on the day of the contest can take the AMC 12.

Q: I see you offer both AMC 10/12 ‘A’ and AMC 10/12 ‘B’ administrations of these texts. Are there any differences between these administrations? 

Both the A and the B versions of the AMC 10 and the AMC 12 have the same number of questions, the same scoring and the same rules for administration. The only differences are the competition dates and that each version has a distinct set of questions, although the two examinations are designed to be equal in difficulty and distribution of topics.

Q: What about the AMC 8 competition? Does AJ plan to host that event, too?

Absolutely! The AMC 8 competition is held on January 18, 2022 and is taken by students in middle school who are younger than 14.5 years. We plan to send a separate email about that competition soon!

Q: Can a student take both the ‘A’ and ‘B’ exams?

Yes, as long as a student is eligible to take the appropriate competitions. That is, a 10th grader or below can take the both AMC 10 A and the AMC 10 B, the AMC 12 A and the AMC 12 B, etc, and an 11th or 12th grader can take the AMC 12 A and the AMC 12 B. 

Q: What is the deadline to register?

AMC 10/12 ‘A’ competitions: October 15, 2021

 AMC 10/12 ‘B’ competitions: October 22, 2021

Please note that AJ Tutoring is committed to providing a safe testing environment for students. To that end, we have limited the number of seats for each administration of the test and encourage you to register ASAP. To reserve your seat, please click the ‘Register here’ button below!

Q: What happens if students cannot take their tests in person due to COVID-19?

AJ Tutoring adheres to county and state health guidelines. If students cannot take their tests due to public health concerns, they can switch to a virtual administration and take their tests at home.

Q: What happens after I register?

A member of our team will reach out to confirm your registration.

Q: Does AJ Tutoring offer tutoring for these tests?

Absolutely! Our math competition experts are eager to help students master these exams! Please feel free to contact us at 650.331.3251 or to learn more about our math competition tutoring services!



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