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Need a Good Book? Here Are Some Recommendations!

While we’re all doing our part to contribute to the health and safety of our community, at-home activities like family time and reading take center stage. We asked our team of avid readers for some top recommendations. The only requirements were that the books be appropriate for high ...


2020 Reading Suggestions for High School – AJ Tutoring

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies . . . The man who never reads lives only one.” – George R.R. Martin Here are the ground rules: the only requirements were that the books be appropriate for high-school-aged readers, and that they not be books that regularly show up on ...


Is Calculus the Least Difficult Math Subject?

Calculus has the reputation of being one of the hardest classes in high school or college, but it doesn't need to be. Hear me out! Math is really easy, unless you’re behind, then it's really hard. But that is not very different from many other things. Speaking a language may be easy for ...


Reading Recommendations for High School Students – AJ Tutoring

“Let’s be reasonable and add an eighth day to the week that is devoted exclusively to reading.” – Lena Dunham Here are the ground rules: the only requirements were that the books be appropriate for high-school-aged readers, and that they not be books that regularly show up on high ...

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