AJ Tutoring Blog

Connecting you to news, advice and academic resources


A Field Guide to AP and SAT Biology Tests

In junior year of high school, most students become keenly aware of the wide array of tests available for them to take, either for college admissions or for college credit. Surrounded by a whirlwind of acronyms, it is easy to assume that two tests on the same academic subject would be very. ... Read More


The Four Stages of Competence: Math Edition

We all like to think of ourselves as active participants in our lives. We make decisions from sun-up to sun-down: when to wake up, what to eat for breakfast, what email to answer first, what podcast to listen to on the drive home. However, the uncomfortable truth is that our behavior is more ... Read More


Actively Reading the SAT Reading Test

Today’s blog post kicks off a 3-part series that contains the secret to success on the SAT. That may overstate it a bit, but make no mistake, students who take this approach to the SAT uniformly do much better on the test. Today we will be focusing on the SAT reading test. So what’s the ... Read More


Are You Thinking about Taking the New August SAT?

If you're a high school student, the parent of a high school student, or otherwise plugged into the world of standardized testing, you've probably heard about the new August SAT that will be administered this year. Bowing to popular demand, the College Board has finally decided to give students ... Read More

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