Free practice SAT and ACT tests


As we head into the holidays, just a friendly reminder that AJ Tutoring offers free practice SAT and ACT tests for current clients at our San Jose, Palo Alto, and Menlo Park offices.  Practice tests are offered most Saturday mornings at 8:30 am, and the tests are concluded by 12:30 pm.  The tests are administered and timed by one of AJ Tutoring’s test proctors, and tutors provide detailed feedback on test results.

Practice SAT and ACT tests are an integral part of AJ Tutoring’s SAT and ACT prep programs.  Students who complete at least three full practice tests show better score improvement and feel more comfortable on the actual test.  Just like training for a marathon – you wouldn’t run the race without training for months beforehand! – it’s vitally important to practice for the SAT and ACT “marathon”.  Each test takes close to 4 hours, which requires no small amount of concentration.  Make sure you have the right preparation by taking AJ Tutoring’s practice tests!

For AJ Tutoring’s current practice SAT and ACT test schedule at the San Jose, Palo Alto, and Menlo Park offices, please consult our website.  If you would like to sign up for a practice test, please email or call (650) 331-3251.  We’re looking forward to seeing you on a Saturday morning sometime soon!

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