Back to School with AJ 2022!


Cleaning House in My Brain” by Kalli Dakos

I’m cleaning house In my brain,
It’s BACK TO SCHOOL Time again.
Shine windows, Paint doors, Vacuum rugs, Polish floors.
Brush away TV shows,
Picnics, beaches, Free time goes.
Bring my memory Back in gear,
Sweep the channels, Crystal clear.
My brain is An amazing tool,
And it’s all ready for BACK TO SCHOOL

Welcome back to school, dear students! Your tutors and teachers, playground aides and lunch ladies, crossing guards and principals are anxious to see you again. We hope that your summer has been spectacular and we can’t wait to hear all about it at our next tutoring session!

Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.