Support with AJ Doesn’t Stop on Graduation Day!


Imagine that your student has worked with an AJ Expert for high school and maybe even throughout middle school, and now they have officially graduated! With that comes a new level of excitement and uncertainty, this new chapter of their academic journey begins. College is a brave new world full of opportunities to grow as the unique individuals that they are, as well as discover their passions. While they do have exponential opportunities to discover their passions, there are still mandatory classes that they have to take to achieve their degree. If math has always been a point of difficulty for them, it probably will continue to be a sticking point for them even in college.

While most colleges offer some sort of tutoring services to their students, there is no guarantee that they will be working with an expert in that topic like they did when they worked with AJ. Starting to get nervous? So is your student! But never fear, AJ is STILL here! We have a team standing by to walk you through this new landscape! So call us today to determine a path that works best for your student.


Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.