Botany: the Study of Plants, Algae, and Fungi

Have you ever wanted to know which plants were poisonous? Do you want to learn more about native and invasive plants in California? What’s the difference between plants and fungi anyway? Learn the answers to all these questions and more.

Locations: Los Gatos, Online

Cost: $120/hr

Recommended hours: 6-10


  • distinguish between plants, algae, and fungi
  • use tools to identify plants and fungi
  • know uses of plants in every day life
  • understand the role that plants and fungi play in the ecosystem
  • learn about native and invasive plants in California
  • design and execute a botany experiment or project of your choice

To Enroll Call (650) 331-3251/ (408) 345–5200


Course Description:

Plants are all around us, yet many of us know very little about them. Most of us know even less about fungi and algae. Students in this course will learn about the major groups of plants, fungi, and algae before exploring topics based on their own interests. Students have the option to delve into plant anatomy and development, plant and fungi identification, plant evolution and ecology, and the impacts of climate change on plant and fungal communities around the world and in California.

Student will also select and complete a project, which can range from designing and executing their own experiment, to writing their own field guide, cataloging the plants in their area, and so on. Students will end the summer with a project or experiment that they can bring home along with a deeper appreciation of the natural world.

Make the Most of the Summer!

Students who stay actively engaged in the learning process during the summer perform better during the school year.