An Update on AP Exams


Our thoughts are with all of our AJ students and families. In this challenging time, health and safety are the utmost priority. We are also dedicated to keeping our students on track with their education. 

Many of you high school students are beginning to think of AP exams. Please read on for a full-breakdown of what we know so far about AP exam administration in 2020.

Last week, the College Board announced their plans for AP testing. You can find the entirety of the College Board’s post here.

Here are the three most important aspects of the update:

1. AP exams will be conducted online

  • Students can take the exams on many devices: computer, smartphones, tablet, or photographs of hand-written work.

2. AP exams will last 45 minutes and be free-response only

  • Specific free-response question types that will be on each AP Exam, along with a complete schedule and further testing details will be available by April 3.

3. There will be two calendar options for each AP Exam

  • College Board will allow students a choice between an earlier and a later test date so students can choose to take more time to study if needed

For AP students, we can now plan on utilizing the coming weeks and months to prepare for the exams as planned. Our tutors and academic leadership are staying current on all of the updates from the College Board to assure that we are offering the most relevant preparation and instruction for our students.

If you’d like to speak with us about your student’s unique situation and create a plan for how we can help, please give us a call today. Best wishes from our AJ family to yours! 


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