How to Avoid the Summer Slide: Let’s Plan for the Summer!


Want to avoid the summer slide and Learning Loss?

With finals and the end of the school year rapidly approaching, now is the time to put together a plan for continued learning this summer! Summer Learning Loss, also known as the Summer Slide, continuously threatens the hard work your student has put in throughout the school year. One study suggests that students in grades 1-8 lose 17% to 34% of the prior year’s learning over summer break.

Students of All ages are impacted by the Summer Slide and Learning Loss.

Students in elementary school need continued practice of this year’s skills and will benefit from a preview of next year’s content. Students making the leap into middle school or high school would benefit from additional support in their more challenging courses, developing stronger writing skills, or learning key study skills that are critical to juggling their more difficult course load.

Summer Is Also a chance for High School Juniors to get Ahead.

Summer is an ideal time to begin preparing for upcoming standardized tests as well! With so many choices, it is easy to include some academic support into your students’ summer routine!

Call an AJ Director today to strategize on how best to support your student this summer and beyond!



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