
Improving Accuracy in Math: Essential Tips

At AJ Tutoring, we frequently encounter students who are well-versed in key math concepts but struggle to achieve the scores they expect on quizzes and tests. A common culprit behind these unexpected results is inaccuracy—a challenge that can be especially frustrating because errors can occur even when you’ve mastered the material and understand the problem-solving techniques. Recognizing the importance of addressing this issue, we’ve dedicated ourselves to helping students enhance their precision in math. Tips to improve accuracy in math are crucial for students looking to minimize missed questions and maximize their performance. To learn more about how our math tutoring services can support your learning journey, click here. Meanwhile, keep reading for some effective tips to increase your precision and accuracy in math.

Improve math skills and test scores with problem solving strategies that work.


  1. Redefine Your Math Mistakes: Stop labeling your math errors as “stupid.” Understanding that mistakes are natural for humans is the first step toward improvement. Embrace these moments as accuracy errors, seeing them as opportunities for learning and growth. This mindset shift is fundamental among the tips to improve accuracy in math. It is completely predictable that you will make mistakes as a human, and under no circumstances does it make you stupid, silly, or lazy. The first step is to retrain your mind to see these math mistakes for what they are: Accuracy Errors. By changing your mindset and accepting that you will make mistakes and that mistakes are opportunities to learn and grow, you set yourself up for success in Math.
  2. Catalog Your Math Errors: Actively making a list of the mistakes you tend to make can significantly improve your accuracy in math. This strategy helps you anticipate and check for common errors, making your review process more efficient and effective. precision and accuracy errors are predictable, and the cool thing is you probably have a set that you are most susceptible to. So, whenever you get an assignment back, don’t just say to yourself, “Darn, I made 5 silly math mistakes!” Instead, classify them: Did you forget to distribute or drop a negative sign? Did you answer the wrong question? Did you do 3+2=6? Did you not write your units? By categorizing your errors, you make it easier to check for them during an assignment or exam. Instead of chanting, “Don’t make any accuracy errors” to yourself, you can quickly run through your list of common math errors and feel confident in moving on to the next question.
  3. Read Math Questions Carefiully: A key tip to improve accuracy in math is to read questions carefully. Ensure you fully understand what’s being asked by annotating and breaking down complex prompts. This approach prevents misunderstandings and oversights. I know it seems simple, but there are a lot of predictable ways this can go wrong. If you feel overly confident with a familiar question type, you might rush through the prompt and miss an important tweak your teacher made. If you feel uncomfortable with a math question or its length, you might let the question intimidate you and turn what was actually a simple math problem into a nightmare. So, read all the words, annotate as you see fit and if necessary break the question into chunks and read those separately until you feel you have a handle on the entire question.
  4. Highlight Key Problem Elements: Clearly marking what you need to solve in a problem helps keep your focus on the question’s requirements. This method is a practical way to ensure you’re answering the question correctly, which is essential for improving accuracy in math. Underline, circle or highlight what you are asked to solve. The key here is that at the end of the math problem you can quickly check if you have actually answered the question. This way we can avoid that gut-wrenching feeling when you get your test back, start to look over a math problem you missed and realize you gave the answer for X when your teacher asked for Y.  
  5. Comprehensive Solution Documentation: Writing out your work isn’t just a step in solving a problem; it’s a strategy to catch and correct errors. Organized and legible work makes it easier to spot and address inaccuracies, thus enhancing your math problem-solving skills. Even if you are typically able to perform accurate computations in your head, by not writing down your work you rob yourself of the opportunity to catch and correct precision and accuracy errors. At the same time, you can improve math skills by making what you are writing out count. If you can’t read your work, or it becomes hard to work accurately because the work is not well organized, we have the same problem as not writing it out.
  6. Emphasize Math Units: Understanding and writing out units can guide you through the problem-solving process and act as a check for accuracy. This practice is a valuable component of improving your math skills and strategy.Units get a bad rap as teachers’ favorite way to shave off points on a student’s math test, but they are actually a really handy tool to see if you are problem-solving correctly. If your units don’t work out, it’s a quick red flag that you should check your work. You can easily improve your math skills and problem solving strategies by determining what the units of the answer should be ahead of time. Then, you can often devise a road map of how to solve the math question.


Implementing these tips to improve accuracy in math can transform your approach to solving math problems, leading to fewer errors and higher scores. At AJ Tutoring, we are committed to helping students like you navigate the challenges of math with confidence and skill. Remember, accuracy in math is not just about avoiding mistakes; it’s about embracing a growth mindset,

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