Summer Reading List!


Oftentimes summer reading lists and book recommendations can become predictable and it is hard enough to get your student reading this summer! That’s why we went to our staff here at AJ Tutoring for book recommendations, specifically books that they can never forget from their childhood or a book they would currently recommend to their younger selves!

Peggy Anderson can never forget books from her childhood such as Tales of a Fourth Grade Nothing, Matilda, The Nancy Drew series, Artemis Fowl, Phantom Tollbooth, and The Secret Garden.

Nieka Bright shared that as a child it was the Nancy Drew series (her nanny, Nancy, who passed this last fall, introduced her to the beloved series) that left the greatest impact and her high-school self was impacted by How to Cook: Building Blocks and 100 Simple Recipes for a Lifetime of Meals by Hugh Acheson. 

Katie Noice wished that her younger self had read Coraline by Neil Gaiman, since even though it is technically a children’s book, she didn’t read it until she was an adult. “It’s creepy in a way that I think younger me would have been initially worried about, but ultimately it probably would have helped me get over my avoidance of scarier stories much sooner than I actually did.”

Will Daly recommended: Firewing. Kenneth Oppel’s whole Silverwing saga moved me deeply, none more than the last installment. One book he’d recommend now: Rumo and his Miraculous Adventures. It’s one of those too-rare books which are so captivating you actually feel like you can’t set it down!

See anything new you think your student would enjoy? A great way to break the ice at an initial tutoring session is to bring up a favorite book or hobby! Ready to meet our amazing tutors and get started? Call a director today!


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