We Wish You A Happy Thanksgiving!


From all of us at AJ Tutoring, we wish you a peaceful and harmonious Thanksgiving holiday!

For us, the fall and winter holidays are a great time to reflect on our purpose at values. 



At AJ, community is one of our core values: read on to learn more about how we strive to live up to this value. By creating a collaborative community of passionate educators, we enrich our broader communities. Team members interact professionally and socially to create a network of knowledge and experience and an atmosphere of conviviality. Open communication among team members encourages a sense of belonging in the company. We extend our collaborative philosophy to our students and their families as we cooperatively work together toward common goals. We value the well-being of our neighbors and local institutions, and so we proactively seek to do good in the communities beyond our walls. 

The connections we forge with other team members, our students and their families, and our local communities make us better than we would be as solo practitioners.

Learn more about our core values here, and read up on our social outreach efforts here!


Let's discuss your student's academic tutoring, test prep, or college counseling needs!

Our test prep, academic tutoring, and college admissions counseling professionals are here to help you navigate the test taking maze, share our experience with your local school, and inspire your student.