Keep the Learning Going!


Did you know that you can keep the learning going for your students even when you are on vacation? That’s right! Here are some helpful tips from our amazing academic team members below!

Math Tutor Merylynn Valencia says make cookies together! It’s okay to get messy from time to time and the reward at the end will be worth it. Plus, when you cook or bake your student is learning:

  • Fractions
  • Measurement 
  • Chemistry
  • Reading Comprehension
  • And how to follow multi-step directions

Foreign Language tutor Chris Dunlap recommends learning your favorite holiday song in another language or listening to an adaptation of your favorite story in another language. This will help your student pick up the new language faster when they can relate it to something they know and love already!

Encourage your student to write letters to family and friends this holiday season or make a special trip to the library for special vacation books! This is a great way to continue to build reading comprehension skills according to English tutor Melanie Harra

If you want to cover all of your bases, pick a holiday or country and research it together with your student. Jarys Maragopoulos says that is a great way to expand students’ knowledge of the world and build a solid foundation in history.

However you choose to spend this holiday season, there are fun and exciting ways to keep your student engaged and learning all year round! Looking for more tips or a great tutor who can step in and offer that academic support and enrichment? Great! Give us a call today to learn more about how AJ Tutoring can support your family no matter the season!


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